Saturday, August 18, 2012

Catfish in the Barn

We had such a fun night with my parents and brother today.

They picked us up and took us down the road to Mississippi for "Catfish in the Barn" at Burton's Sugar Farm.

The sign says "Catfish in the Barn."

It is a literally a barn in the middle of nowhere.  You go in, pay $17 per person, and get all the food you could ever want.  That includes delicious catfish, all the fixings you could imagine (corn salad, turnip greens, butter beans, fried green tomatoes, hushpuppies, french fries, chicken pot pie, fried okra, and I'm sure other stuff I'm forgetting), dessert, and drinks.

Buffet Line

My Plate

Dessert was apple cobbler and real homemade ice cream!

But that's just the food.  Picnic tables are set up, so it feels almost like you're at a family reunion.

A man played the guitar very softly in the background.  It was enough to take you away, but it allowed you to enjoy conversation with those around you.

The guitar guy is in the back of the picture.  I apologize to the man I caught mid-bite!

The barn is very open, and in front there is a pirate ship playground where kids darted off as soon as they finished dinner.

It was seriously one of the coolest meals I've ever had.  I'll be be going back.

They are only open Fridays and Saturdays during certain months, so check out the website!

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